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What do you wear for a music industry event?

Animal Print Cardigan

When all the lights go out, the curtain finally rises. That’s when you draw the line and summarizes all your previous appearances. Critics and prying eyes are swinging all of the above and your evolution in kilograms, obviously considering the clothes and their prices. It’s funny sometimes when we are attending all there various fashionable evenings to see just how careful we are. But more with others than with ourselves

Overall, quite an interesting night. you look around, you greet and get to be introduced to various people. but we just wished they could be  better. classier.

I’ve recently attended a Local Record House anniversary party in a very cool spot downtown.

Usually the routine is like this: people show up and then they start to show off. All the red carpet outfits would just cooler without all the extra “hardware”.

Nothing unusual for a local event, but what strikes me is the continuous quest for all the must-have pieces that then get to be showed of everywhere so that they are “worth the investment”.


We will share our thoughts on the matter, but first let us share our findings. We counted with deep amusement the number of identical fashion items from Versace for H & M and Jeffrey Campbell Lita lace boots. The score was 8 to 4 in one room of people!  I’m not even mentioning the Chanel classic chain bag or the long run Burberry print or sort-of-Burberry, that is. Somehow everything is done in excess of our social universe. Statement pieces are hunted down like for rewards and then used and re-used until they no longer can be worn because you no longer feel them exclusive. Surprisingly, as Romania becomes a scene for nice and pricey things, unfortunately they come to be worn just for the pleasure of admiring them mirrored in the eyes of others and not at all to serve beauty and style.

Besides the local celebrity scene which we more or less expected, there were also the rookies, the trying-too-much types, sporting funky hosiery or over-the-knee boots matched with very cropped leather jackets. Somehow this sort of characters end up haunting every decent location in Bucharest, so not a big surprise there. Just the usual disappointment.


But it wasn’t all THAT bad, we also noticed a lot of Romanian VIPs who were actually dressed for the occasion. IRIS, Voltaj, Smiley or the Mandinga boys were the ones that left a mark when it comes to gentleman style, sporting their rock, urban or tuxedo looks.

As for the ladies wear, even if there was a lot of fast-fashion, it was usually balanced properly together with some interesting jewelry or special makeup. I loved the few lovely ladies who sported the effortless maxi together with the rock boots and the ones that made a good match between the white boyfriend shirt and the leather pants.

Even the ones who came straight from the office had often looked more appropriate than the ones who over-dressed to impress. We would have liked to see more outfits that were stylishly blended just for our own vanity…  Some special shorts or a statement jacket…MinimalistLittle Black Dress and Leather jacketStatement Coat - After work outfit

Even a cocktail little black dress would work just fine for this kind of evening if you accessorize it to get in tune with the event. Although over-popular, the leather jacket is such a simple and perfect addition to an elegant dress. Or if you show up from a working day, even a smart casual outfit can work just fine. Cocktail DressLeather Pants

If you have time to actually think about this night and prepare your outfit, make sure it’s gonna be different. Try a neon or a piece from our Romanian designers portfolio. Find cool or vintage items that keep you away from shop windows. That’s the first thing to try to avoid. Wearing the IT-piece of the season as it’s obvious someone else would be sporting that too. If this happens, nevertheless, be brave. Confidence can work magic! 🙂

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  • Reply meow September 29, 2015 at 1:55 am

    if there were more options for people with low budget that are trying to make it would be helpful

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